Tuesday, January 3, 2012

In Shape 91 Years Strong. What's Your Excuse?

With all the New Year's resolutions going on, I really don't think anyone wants to read another  "I'm gonna do this" or "I'm gonna do that" blog for the new year, so instead, let me tell you about someone who has been on his fitness program BEFORE January first!

We all know how important it is to keep working out and eating right to maintain health as we age. This past Christmas, we visited my 91-year old grandfather in Warren, Rhode Island. Upon entering his living room, I  was startled to see an exercise bike and a Thigh Master. Yes - the one Suzanne Summers sells on the infomercials.
Off to the right is Gramp's bike and thigh master. He drags it in front of the TV every morning.
I asked him if he uses them, and he said every day. He had fallen about two months ago when walking down the stairs, and he felt like his legs needed to be stronger and in general, he needed more strength to go back to work. He has been an old school farmer for the last 80 years or so. I'm talking digging in the dirt and planting, not riding a tractor. He is from Portugal and he still follows the old "use it or lose it" philosophy.

He doesn't eat fast food - never has; he only eats what he makes or is made for him by another family member or friends of the family. Meat and potatoes kind of thing. He sleeps about 5-6 hours a night, and at 91 years old, he has still been working on the farm. He's pretty much outlived everyone from his generation in our family (including his wife, my grandmother, and then as of two months ago, his girlfriend). Yes, at 91 he had a girlfriend until she passed away.

And now he rides the bike every morning for health and to keep his legs strong, and does the upper body thigh master exercises to keep his upper body strength. I looked at him in amazement. I'm very proud to have his blood in my veins and his genetics, and hopefully they got passed down to me.

Me and my tough training Grandpa -Christmas 2011.
So for everyone who is starting a resolution to get fit, or starting a new program, or feels like they are too old or its been too long to get back on that horse, look at  my Grandpa: 91 and strong as that horse you need to get back up on. No excuses anymore; just get the job done!

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