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Jerry Ward
      Founder Bios3Training
         National level NPC bodybuilder
       Trained in Bio molecular nutrition
       19 years in the Fitness indsustry
    Certified Trainer
Erin Merritt
Erin Merritt
"When I first met Jerry, I was in average shape. I had been lifting weights in a gym for a few years and running outside, but the lack of change or improvement in my body left me feeling frustrated and uninspired. Unsure of how to articulate what kind of help I needed but knowing how I wanted to look and feel, I asked Jerry for help. My first session with Jerry was truly a wake up call. Not only did he teach me a new way of looking at food, he encouraged me to finally stop counting calories. Our workouts were extremely challenging, and it didn’t take long for me to see dramatic changes. That first meeting was over two years ago, and today my focused workouts and tailored nutrition have enabled me improve every aspect of my life."
                                                                                                  Erin Merritt, VA

Rob Shoeman
Because of Rob Shoeman's hectic schedule we had to find a very different way for him to get all his nutrients. This is the result; as you can see, he made drastic improvements in muscle size and lost body fat at the same time. He did no more than 25 minutes of cardio per day!

Rob Shoeman Before
This is Rob just 5 weeks and 3 days after starting Bios3. There is NO photo-retouching or special lighting in these pics. They were taken with a phone camera. They have NOT been altered in any way!

Rob Shoeman After
Brooks O'Brien
Brooks O'Brien

Brooks has been training for only two years. This transformation was in the first year after 12 weeks of a contest program for the 2010 Maryland championships He showed complete development and great overall conditioning in the novice heavy weight division.

"Of all the diet and training experts out there, one stands alone. I’ve been fortunate enough to learn from a number of brilliant professors and cutting edge researchers in the fields of nutrition and exercise, and each has an impressive command over the science of their field. Few however, possess the integrated knowledge AND experience needed to apply their science to achieve jaw-dropping results. In a league of his own, Jerry has a strong command over both the underlying science and the vast array of tools needed to elicit tremendous health and physique transformations. Time and again, his guidance precedes the research that consistently confirms his recommendations, something that never ceases to amaze me. In a field with more gray area than most, one that turns most into skeptics, the one consistent authority upon whom I know I can depend is Jerry."

- David Goldman

Rich Seigelman
Rich Seigelman
2010 NPC National Bantam Weight champion. Rich switched to Bios3 six weeks out from the Nationals after not being satisfied with his condition at the 2010 Delaware championships. In six weeks, he got in the best shape in his life and won with straight first place votes earning his IFBB pro card. Rich was told he was one of the most conditioned bodybuilders in the whole show!

"I have been working out for the past 6 years, but it wasn’t until I worked with Jerry that my training went to an entirely new level.  I’ve gained new knowledge and personally made more progress in 20 weeks than I did the previous 6 years due to Jerry’s ability to assess my body and adapt my diet and training to what works for me.  I think his extensive knowledge, experience, and personal attention to your needs, as opposed to a cookie cutter program is what separates him from others out there.  I would highly recommend Jerry to anyone and plan to work with him again to prepare for my first contest later this year."
- Clay Crownover, VA

Kari Keenan
Kari Keenan

Kari prepped for the International IFBB sanctioned competition The Arnold Amateur show. In the B class against many European pro figure competitors, she placed a very respectible 4th place out of 20. Her goal was top five. She then went on six weeks later to win her class at the Lehigh Valley Championships. 2010 was a great year for her!

Simone Feldman
Simone Feldman
Simone came to me four weeks before the Miss Maryland USA pageant. She was referred by another trainer who knew I could help her get the job done in this small amount of time before the show. Four weeks later, she won the Miss Maryland USA title and went on to compete in Donald Trump's Miss USA pageant in May 2010! As you can see, Simone was one of the most conditioned women of all the 50 states. We had some obstacles, as she could not get to a gym leading up to the show, so in true BS3 style, we improvised and the outcome was amazing!

Sherwin Pagtakhan
Sherwin Michael Pagtakhan
Sherwin is a NPC national level competitor in the Super heavy weight division, who used Bios3 in his 2011 season.

"Working with Jerry is the best thing I have ever done for my health. I was at wits end after not seeing results through multiple weight loss programs, diet fads, and exercise regimens. In a matter of days following Jerry’s personalized 12-week diet plan, my body fat percentage dropped, my energy and physical performance improved, and my muscle tone increased considerably.

Jerry created an individualized meal plan with a list of acceptable foods, and dietary supplements, taking away all the guess work of having to count calories, grams of protein, carbohydrates, fat, etc. Who would have thought losing weight and adopting a healthier life style could be so easy.

Through weekly follow-ups and online check-ins, Jerry kept me motivated and focused, allowing me to reach my weight loss and fitness goals."

- Lauren Hanna

"When it comes to accomplishing goals in the gym and on the scale we all know the hurdle just seems to get harder and harder to clear. When I met Jerry Ward, I was starting to feel quite discouraged about the lack of results I was getting in return for what I thought was an insane amount of work I was putting in at the gym. Hell, I even did the 'Insanity' videos for awhile. I knew from talking to many trainers and reading online that diet was a huge part of accomplishing anything when it comes to fitness. The low-carb diet worked for me for awhile, but I was running out of tricks. Jerry is one of those guys who becomes an instant friend. I think he really enjoys helping people accomplish their goals. The level of professionalism Jerry offered me for my new diet plan, he gave to me for a fraction of the price that I had heard people pay for this. I never thought I could afford anything like this and it's working great. The body is a machine, and a bodybuilder is a mechanic for the body's muscular and digestive systems. Who better to know how to get the results you want, whatever they may be than 'The Diet Guy.' I am forever grateful I approached him that day."

- Nathan Port